NJ Researchers of Paranormal Evidence


Definition of a Long Distance Associate member:

  • Membership designed for people who wish to assist NJROPE, but live outside the service area of our group

  • Be available to assist NJROPE with analysis of evidence.

  • Familiarity with NJROPE Handbook

  • Attend 6 of 11 Meeting/Training nights via skype.

  • When possible and practical, be available to assist with promotional events.

  • When possible and practical, be available to attend public or open investigations.

  • Be available to assist NJROPE through use of your own personal skills and expertise

  • In order to be considered for Long Distance Associate Membership to NJROPE, new recruits must read the following online training courses during their designated training period (two week from receiving access to members section of website).
    Failure to complete this requirements will result in possible removal from the group.

    Required Course Classes:

    This is a generally a two day session which includes NJROPE orientation and additional classes.
    NJROPE is requesting that long distance members complete these classes online and pass a written test to validate that they have read and understand the material.
    1) Orientation
    2) Awareness Training
    3) Psychic Protection
    4) EVP Class
    5) Complete EVP online training recordings
    6) Debunking Class